Yes! Under the laws of the state of California, a person who suffers a personal injury from a bicycle or pedestrian accident can file a compensation claim. Cyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as drivers of other vehicles, with some special rules. These types of injuries are very common because both ways of moving lack external protection compared to the safety mechanisms that a car offers. Therefore, injuries are often much worse when a vehicle hits a bicycle or a pedestrian.
Most cyclists and pedestrians are aware of the potential dangers of riding or walking near a road. Bicyclists and pedestrians face unique challenges due to crowded roadways and sidewalks in California. Unfortunately, no matter how careful we are, we simply cannot control the actions of others and that can lead to accidents.
When should You file your claim for compensation?
California law allows bicycle and pedestrian accident victims two years to file a lawsuit; this is called the statute of limitations. You may not be able to take legal action once this period has expired; however, if you file a lawsuit, you may have the option of accepting a settlement or taking the case to trial.
In either case, you need legal representation prepared to fight for your rights. Remember that laws vary by state and can become very confusing, or the processes can be prolonged if the documentation is not presented within the appropriate time.
Our team has years of experience successfully representing these types of cases, and we can surely help you achieve the best possible results.
We are waiting for you!